
Recent Eating Report

My sister and I went to Ootoya which is one of the most famous Japanese restaurants in Japan. Ootiya has also opened in New York, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Indnesia and Shingapore.

In Ootoya, we can enjoy many kinds of Japanese food. For example, the menu using bonito, black vinegar or arranged tofu. If you are interested in Ootoya's menu, please click here (https://www.ootoya.com/menu.asp?tcid=1).

Today, we ate Hirekatsu-don. Hirekatsu-don is stewed with fried filllet and beaten egg.

And miso-soup was also served. Miso is a fermented food of Japan made by fermenting grain. It has been known as the main source of protein in the Japanese diet for a long time.
It can help us to keep healthy.

This Hirekatsu-Teisyoku was very delicious. I recommend you try to go there and enjoy eating.

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