
Introduction of Japanese Foods (Video)

I miss JAPANESE FOOD! 日本の食べ物が恋しい

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/8Kp7s4AWH20" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I think this video is good to support my topic because many Japanese dishes are introduced.
For example, there are natto, ramen, yakisoba, sashimi, gyouza, onigiri, edamame, Japanese alcohol, omuraisu, takoyaki, curry rice and of course sushi.
She described them in detail.

Moreover, because this video is made by Swedish girl, we can learn how foreign people think about Japanese food.
She also mentioned local special foods.
In Japan, there are many kinds of local specific foods. For example, in Yokohama, Syumai is famous. In Nagoya, Miso katsu is famous. In Tochigi, Utsunomiya-Gyoza is famous.
You can learn many things from this video!!!

2 件のコメント:

  1. It's interesting to know how foreign people think about Japanese food since Japan apparently has wierd food:P

  2. I thought this video is very interesting!
    When I used to live in Australia and studied about Japan in school I became the teacher and taught my classmates and back then they barely knew about Japanese food. The girl in the video must love Japan.
