
About My Book 4

     Hello. Today, I want to tell you about chopsticks. Japanese may use them almost every day.

     According to the book I am reading, “A pair of chopsticks is the only utensil used to wat Japanese food. Even in the case of a multi-course meal, the same pair of chopsticks will be used throughout the meal”.
     Moreover, we can learn how to use chopsticks in this book.

     1.    Put one chopstick at the base between the index finger and the thumb, using the ring finger to support the lower part (skinner side) of the stick.

     2.    Use the tips of the thumb, index and middle fingers to hold the other stick like a pen. Now the tip of the middle finger is between two sticks.

     3.    Pivot the upper stick up and down towards the stationary lower stick.

     At first, it is difficult for some people to use chopsticks. However, I am sure that if you try again and again, you will be able to use them well.

     There are some important points you should keep your minds.
One is that never stick chopsticks upright into rice. Chopsticks standing up in a bowl is bad luck related to death in Japanese superstition.
Two is that never transfer food from one pair of chopsticks to another. In Japanese funerals, surving relatives pick up and transfer bones after the cremation into the urn in this way.
Third is that not to use chopsticks to move bowls or plates and not to pierce food with chopsticks.

     I hope chopsticks will be more and more prevailed. And I want more foreigners to try to use them.    

2 件のコメント:

  1. When going out so eat at a sushi restuarant a long time ago when i was still very young, I rememeber seeing a forigner using chopsticks wrong. I remember thinking to myself, "How come he doesn't even hold them right when its so easy!!" but when I think of it now, its only easy to us because we grew up with chopsticks.
    It's interesting to see a well detailed description on how to hold chopsticks! It tends to sound more complicating than it really is in my opinion haha

  2. Chopsticks are one of the hardest thing when your eating Asian food.
    I remember my relatives from India never being able to use them properly lol
    I'm really good at using chopsticks :)
