
Food for All and Second Harvest Japan

What are their main activity/events?

Food for All

Food Bank activity (intermediate food surplus and food shortage)

Second Harvest Japan

Food Bank activity, the support for the Great East Japan Earthquake or Harvest Kitchen (the activity to provide hot food for homeless people).


How do they deal with the problem of food waste?

Both Food for All and Second Harvest Japan do Food Bank activity.

In Food Bank activity, it is dealt with processed food such as canned goods, fresh foods such as vegetables or fruits, disaster prevention stockpile, grains such as rice or bread and frozen foods. They cope with food manufacturer, wholesalers and importers and urge them to donate surplus food.

There are a lot of merits. For example, one of them is that it is possible to reduce the number of food waste. Another one is that it is good for the environment.

Actually, the number of dealing food is increased to 3152 tons in 2012.


How would you be able to help/volunteer for these organizations?

First, I can donate money. According to the Second Harvest Japan, if I donate 1000 yen, it is possible to provide ten times the amount of money equivalent foods.

Second, I can donate foods. What we can donate is the same as what is dealt in Food Bank activity.

Third, I can donate time. Many kinds of activities are introduced such as packaging, delivering or distributing foods. Everyone, who is over 12 years old, can participate. There are many things we can do and it seems to be the easiest donation to try of all these three.


Which group seems to be the most active?

I think it is Second Harvest Japan. It is because various kinds of activities are reported. Once we see their site, we can understand the concrete number and their activities in detail.

3 件のコメント:

  1. I think it's very good that you put the graph cause it's easier to understand :)

  2. I also thought it was great that you included the useful graph that showed the growing problem of food waste at a glance. It was nice of you to insert the link to 2HJ as well. It's interesting that children as young as 12 years old can volunteer for 2HJ. I wonder how many children are volunteering with them. Perhaps some schools organize "service learning" opportunities at 2HJ with their students. I wish I had such a chance when I was in elementary school.

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