
Newspaper Article

I chose the article “For Pets, It’s Fat Thursday With Pies, Dressing Under the Table”. Actually, I don’t have pets in my house and I am not good at animals. However, this time, I want to know about pet well.
In this article, it is said that recent pets are apt to be obesity. It is because they eat high-calorie food. Owners give pet food freely. This has been paid attention as a problem. In my opinion, it is natural that pets want to choose and eat their food freely as the same as human do. We also sometimes tend to choose our eating habit without considering our health. Many delicious foods have a high-calorie.

But when we see the future, our eating habits are very important. Eating habits make our body. So pet owners should choose and restrict their food for their future. High-calorie food should be given occasionally.


3 件のコメント:

  1. I think that pet owners have to feed their pets healthy food. And if they cannot, they should not own pets.

  2. The dog of this photo is very cute:) I think that pet owners have a duty to grow their pets healthy.

  3. I think owners should think seperately about themseleves and pets.
